Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Women are equal and DIFFERENT!

I would just like to say how great the forum was with Helen Jackson, and I would like to thank Labour Group for inviting her! The forum was very informative as well as entertaining. Many issues were discussed but the main topic was equal pay, as you could imagine there were a lot of different and conflicting opinions. But that's what we like a little bit of drama!

One thing a took away from the meeting was when she quoted : "Women are equal but different". That's exactly what it is all about , we're not trying to be men because we're pursuing the same careers and goals in life, we still acknowledge we're different and not any less important. She highlighted some truths in the issues that surrounf the Equal Pay: Trade Unions are tying their best arguing for equal pay and a pay rise for women. This is because professions that are done by the majority if women, happen to be the jobs that are paid less, as if that job is less important or less time and effort consuming and this shouldn't be the case. Female workers that are mothers have no choice to work part-time as they have to look after their children when they finish school and I feel that it is important that children spend time with their mothers as well as fathers (if possible) having an understanding of the society we live in as there is a rise in single-parent homes. This is no excuse to pay a women less than what she deserves. Helen Jackson Stated that the pay gap is 16% and at its worse its actually 80%, this is because of bonuses and young men working less hours as they do not have as much responsibilies to take care of outside their job.

People have this perception that women arguing for equal pay is feminism and feminism is ant-man, anti-marriage,anti-heterosexual. But that is complete and utter rubbish! We as women are not any less of human beings than men are so why should we be treated - not differently- but unfairly?

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